Roses in Forest Grove, Oregon

Roses in Forest Grove, Oregon

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy busy life!

Well hello's been so long! I must get in the habit of posting weekly or time just gets away from me.
Little grandson is nearly 3-1/2 months old now, and looking cuter every day! He did have a 10 day stay at the hospital at around 1 month old, but he's doing great now.

My oldest daughter will be graduating from college with a respiratory therapy degree next month! Hooray, she's worked so hard!

I've gotten more and more into my photography. I created an Instagram Community for Central Oregon and it's doing quite well.  We have nearly 100 followers, and some GREAT photographers who contribute almost daily to the feed.

Next month our entire family will be attending a family reunion, we are all so excited!

Well, that's about all for now.